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3 Steps to Attract Birds to Your Garden - For Beginner Birders

There are so many ways to attract birds to your garden, we’ve summarised the 3 most important steps to follow in order to receive a feathery garden visitor:

Step 1: Water - Guys birds LOVE water! It’s an absolute necessity. Get yourself a nice shallow bird bath, because not only do birds like to drink from a bird bath but they also like to bathe in it. Birds enjoy standing in the water and bathing, therefore the deepest I would say the bird bath should be is about 5cm in the middle. Ensure that you replace the water daily, as birds need fresh water to drink.

Step 2: Food - Get a bird feeder! Offering the birds food is imperative in attracting them to your garden. Water and food near each other is a perfect bird-attracting combination.

There are so many different types of birds in South Africa, just over 850 species, meaning there are so many different types of foods to put out. Bird seed for the seed eaters, fruit for the fruit eaters, nectar for the nectar drinkers and Bird Grub Suet FOR EVERYBODY! Bird Grub is a brilliant feed for birds, enjoyed by insect eaters to seed eaters; bird grub suet offers a range of proteins and essential oils for cell building.

Try placing food out daily at around the same time every day, so that birds will get accustomed to coming to your garden. Plant indigenous trees and shrubs that provide fruits, berries, seeds or nectar.

Ensure that food and water is also positioned away from predators such as cats and dogs; as well as placed in a shady area to keep the bird food fresher for longer.

Step 3: Shelter – Plant plenty of indigenous trees and shrubs that offer lots of protection from predators and bad weather. Put up nesting logs and boxes to encourage them to start their families in your garden (we’ve written a blog all about Sisal Nesting Logs that’s worth a read!).

When birds are provided food and water and a place of safety, they start to feel comfortable. A comfortable bird is a happy bird that will want to make your garden its home.

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  • Nature's Heart on

    Hi there Mavis

    Thank you for your lovely comment.

    What a pleasure that you even attract Kingfishers. It’s always wonderful to hear how many bird lovers there are, keep it up :)

  • Mavis Scott on

    Thank you for the interesting information regarding garden birds. We have bird feeders and water for the birds and have a variety of birds that visit the garden – have kingfishers as well. We love to hear the birds singing – its such a pleasure……

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